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A common dynamic in relationships affected by sexual addiction is what therapist Michelle Mays refers to as duty sex and the cycle of dread. Duty sex is sex undertaken as an obligation or to avoid feelings of guilt within a relationship. When one partner desires more sex than the other, both partners feel as if the other’s sexuality is controlling the relationship. This can become incredibly uncomfortable, especially for betrayed spouses and partners of sex addicts.

Michelle has written an excellent series of blogs on this and similar topics, posting them on her website. With her permission, we’re providing you with links to her two-part blog, “Duty Sex and the Cycle of Dread.” These posts (and others we’ll link to in the coming weeks) are highly recommended reading for all betrayed spouses and partners of sex addicts.

Duty Sex and the Cycle of Dread, PART 1

Duty Sex and the Cycle of Dread, Part 2