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All daily inspirations can be found in the book Sex and Porn Addiction Healing and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author.

Action expresses priorities.

When asked how life is going, people sometimes say they are overwhelmed, or that there are not enough hours in the day, or that their plate is overly full. This is understandable. Sometimes life comes at us all at once. These times of stress are unavoidable. It’s also possible that we have unintentionally taken on too much responsibility by not judiciously saying, “No, thank you.” So, just as we need to occasionally clear away the clutter on our computer desktops and the physical clutter in our offices and homes, we need to clear away time-eating clutter by saying no to things we don’t want to do or that we don’t have time to do. Clearing away what is not essential reveals our deeper priorities and frees us to act on them.

Task for Today
Think about how many ‘browser tabs’ are open in your life right now. Is some judicious pruning in order?