Being gay, lesbian, or bisexual does not make you a sex addict any more than being straight makes you a sex addict.
Sometimes people seek sex addiction treatment in the hope that it will change their sexual orientation. Occasionally they do this at the behest of a misguided family member, spiritual advisor, or clinician. However, changing one’s arousal template is not possible. If you’re attracted to men, that’s the way it is; if you’re attracted to women, same story; and if you like both genders, you’d better get used to it, because that’s not going change no matter how much analysis you have or how many 12-step meetings you attend. Put very simply, sexual addiction is not in any way defined by who or what it is that turns you on. Neither homosexual nor bisexual arousal patterns are factors in the diagnosis of sexual addiction, even if those arousal patterns are ego-dystonic (unwanted).
Just for Today
Reflect on the addiction stories you’ve heard from others: male and female, young or old, gay or not. Look for the similarities with your own story.