Your opinions are your windows to the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.
In some quarters, there is a fear that sex addiction therapists are trying to be the new “sex police,” imposing moral, cultural, and/or religious values on sexuality, thereby creating a narrow version of sexual health. Sadly, this fear is not entirely ungrounded; there are indeed some moralist and/or highly religious therapists who misuse and misapply the sex addiction diagnosis, using it to marginalize and pathologize sexual behaviors that don’t mesh with their personal or religious belief systems. Homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism, recreational porn use, casual sex, polyamory, and fetishes—all of which fall well within the spectrum of normal and healthy adult sexuality—have at times been misdiagnosed as sexual addiction.
Just for Today
Think about your personal beliefs about the types of sex that are and are not healthy. Would you want to force those beliefs on others? Would you want them to force their beliefs on you?