Accepting help does not mean you’ve failed; it means you’re no longer in it alone. Typically, healing from sex and porn addiction presents challenges that can’t be dealt with...
Decisions are easy when you know what you value. Not every sexual recovery meeting is the same. Yes, most meetings are based on the same basic literature and follow...
The most powerful tool of sobriety is talking to another recovering addict. To establish and maintain long-term sexual sobriety, we need safe spaces in which we can talk openly...
The fears we don’t face become our limits. Sometimes, especially when we are new to recovery, we resist the idea of participating in 12-step sexual recovery groups. Usually, we’re...
12-Step Sexual Recovery Groups Q&A As we head toward the new year, many people are finding their way into recovery. With that in mind, we feel it is a...
Accepting help does not mean you’ve failed; it means you’re no longer in it alone. Typically, healing from sex and porn addiction presents challenges that can’t be dealt with...
You can listen to silence and learn from it. The easiest way for a recovering sex or porn addict to be of service in a 12-Step meeting is to...
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