When life gets harder, challenge yourself to be stronger. Being stuck in a rut, whether that rut is addiction or some other aspect of life, is an indication that...
Addicts would rather deny a hard truth than face it. Denial usually builds slowly over time through a series of small, seemingly innocuous lies. Typically, each lie has its...
Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. No person does life perfectly. Nor does anyone do recovery perfectly. All of us make mistakes, and we make...
Honest self-reflection opens the mind to reprogramming, change, success, and freedom. Often, as recovering sex and porn addicts, we dread the thought of Step Four, of taking a searching...
Knowledge is being aware of what you can do. Wisdom is knowing when not to do it. Love addiction, also known as relationship addiction and romance addiction, is diagnosed using...
For porn addicts, shame is the master emotion. Porn addicts are often reluctant to seek help. Sometimes this is because they don’t view their solo sexual behaviors as an...
Every flower must grow through dirt. Most sex addicts experience extreme emotional discomfort in early sobriety. And why would we not? After all, addictive sexuality has been our primary...
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