When is the last time someone gave you the peace of their heart rather than a piece of their mind? Having a knowledgeable and empathetic support network is a...
You can’t save your face and your ass at the same time. Many recovering sex addicts worry that if they go to a twelve-step meeting and tell the truth...
To grow up is to accept vulnerability. Happiness expert Brené Brown once wrote, “Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and...
To have real conversations with people may seem like such a simple, obvious suggestion, but it involves courage and risk. To get started with Step Five you must first...
Addiction helps you keep secrets. Recovery helps you own them. After we’ve completed our fourth step inventories, many of us find ourselves feeling lower than low and more alone...
It is clear that we make our own misery. In our addiction and as recovering people, we sometimes hurt the people we love by trying “to help them” when...
Recovering sex addicts must be willing to change with the times. With each new form of technology (especially digital technology), the sexual and romantic landscape changes. As recovering sex...
For porn addicts, shame is the master emotion. Porn addicts are often reluctant to seek help. Sometimes this is because they don’t view their solo sexual behaviors as an...
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