Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
Nearly everyone in modern Western culture either owns or has easy access to a computer, laptop, tablet, pad, smartphone, or some other Internet enabled digital device. As a result, we now have 24/7 access to information, entertainment, and social interaction – with much of that material and interconnectivity being sexual in nature. For most people, this is not an issue. They can play with and enjoy sexnology in healthy ways, without becoming addicted or experiencing negative consequences, just as most people are able to enjoy things like alcohol, gambling, video gaming, and recreational drugs without becoming addicted or experiencing major problems. For sex addicts, however, technology can be a danger zone. As such, we must set and maintain healthy boundaries around our use of technology.
Just for Today
Think about the interplay of digital technology with your addiction. Porn? Apps? Websites? Webcams? And what else?