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All daily inspirations can be found in the book Sex and Porn Addiction Healing and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author.

We should meditate for twenty minutes each day. Unless we are too busy. Then we should meditate for an hour.

We might chuckle when we first hear the Chinese proverb quoted above, but on second glance the thought it conveys has profound implications for us. In fact, the practice of starting our day with some period (however brief) of solitude, centering, meditation, prayer, and gratitude is routinely used and recommended by almost all long-sober addicts. This type of morning practice helps us to break habitual unproductive thought patterns, to set a vision and mindset for the day, and to start our day with a sense of purpose.

Task for Today
If you haven’t attempted a daily spiritual practice, try a simple morning routine on a trial basis to see if you find it useful.