All daily inspirations can be found in the book Sex and Porn Addiction Healing and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author.
There is no cure for addiction, but it can be put into remission.
Newly recovering sex and porn addicts sometimes wonder why everyone (rehabs, therapists, fellow recovering addicts) seems so adamant about going to and participating in 12-step meetings. Well, the reason is that there is no cure for addiction. It doesn’t matter how good a treatment center is, it won’t permanently fix our addiction. We don’t spend 30 days in rehab and walk out the door perfectly OK. At best, we depart with an understanding of our basic issues, some useful coping skills that can help us avoid relapse, and a plan for carrying our newfound sobriety forward into the rest of our lives. And invariably that plan involves ongoing participation in 12-step recovery. Because this is what works. Experience proves it.
Task for Today
Accept that you will always be an addict but you don’t always have to behave like one.