All daily inspirations can be found in the book Sex and Porn Addiction Healing and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author. Click the book cover image to purchase the book on Amazon.
The ultimate goal of sexual recovery is learning to be sexual in healthy, life-affirming ways.
People not familiar with sex and porn addiction often think that sexual sobriety, like sobriety from drugs and alcohol, requires total abstinence. This is not in fact the case. Instead, recovering sex and porn addicts, working in conjunction with a 12-Step sponsor or a sex addiction treatment specialist, carefully determine which of their sexual behaviors are problematic and which are not. They then commit, in a written sexual sobriety contract, to engage only in the sexual behaviors that are non-problematic and permitted within the bounds of this predetermined pact. (With porn addiction, total abstinence from porn is likely to be a facet of sexual sobriety.)
Task for Today
Think about which of your sexual behaviors cause problems and which do not. Then share about this in a meeting or with your sponsor.