Internet Rule 34: If it exists, there is porn of it. Corollary rule: Kids will find it. And try it.

Once upon a time, porn addiction in teens was much less likely, mostly thanks to a lack of accessibility. Prior to the Internet, finding and looking at porn took work. A kid had to surreptitiously raid his (or her) dad’s stash of dirty magazines or grab something off the rack at the local gas station when the attendant wasn’t looking. The options were extremely limited, and kids mostly played sneak-a-peek with whatever porn they could find. So, pre-Internet, the odds of a teen getting hooked on porn were close to zero. The lack of access to sexual content prevented potential problems. Today? Not so much. Sexual content of every ilk imaginable can be easily and instantly accessed by anyone who’s interested – regardless of age.

Just for Today
Consider using an internet filtering software to protect not just yourself, but your family.