• Accidentally Brave-A Conversation with Maddie Corman
    Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

    Accidentally Brave-A Conversation with Maddie Corman

    Special Webinar: WeTonglen & Seeking Integrity Present: A Conversation with Maddie Corman Join us on March 3 at 12 PM PST / 3 PM EST for an exclusive webinar featuring actress,...
  • Porn Induced Sexual Dysfunction
    Thursday, January 7th, 2021

    Porn Induced Sexual Dysfunction

    Male porn addicts sometimes experience sexual dysfunction related to their porn abuse. Typically, they encounter one or more of the following: Erectile dysfunction (ED) Delayed ejaculation (DE) Anorgasmia (the...
  • Sexual Behavior: Casual vs. At-Risk vs. Addicted
    Monday, March 19th, 2018

    Sexual Behavior: Casual vs. At-Risk vs. Addicted

    Sexual addiction can be difficult to recognize, especially for those who are mired in it. Because of its highly secretive nature, sex addiction can also be difficult for outside...
  • Sex Addiction Escalates Over Time
    Monday, March 5th, 2018

    Sex Addiction Escalates Over Time

    Addicts of all types experience an increasing tolerance to the mood-altering effects of their drug of choice, be it an addictive substance or an addictive behavior like sex. As...
  • The Cycle of Sexual Addiction
    Monday, February 26th, 2018

    The Cycle of Sexual Addiction

    All addictions are cyclical, with no clear beginning or end and one stage leading to the next—and then the next, and the next, and the next—leaving the addict stuck...
  • Technology and Sexual Addiction
    Monday, February 12th, 2018

    Technology and Sexual Addiction

    “I initially noticed tech-related sexual issues in the early 1990s, when online bulletin boards (BBS) and porn sites first hit the web. Prior to that, my clients were mostly...
  • How Can a Behavior Be an Addiction?
    Friday, January 5th, 2018

    How Can a Behavior Be an Addiction?

    Sometimes people struggle to understand that behavioral addictions, including sex, porn, and love addiction, are every bit as real and every bit as destructive as substance addictions. Part of...