
Dr. David Fawcett in La Quinta, CA

On Friday December 4, 2020, Dr. David Fawcett presents at the annual West Coast Symposium on Addiction in La Quinta, CA. Dr. Fawcett's topic is Chemsex: Essential Clinical Approaches for Fused Drug Use and Sexual Behavior. His presentation begins at 4:15 p.m.

Super Saturday Recovery Summit

Join Seeking Integrity and for a FREE Super Saturday Recovery Summit. Speakers include Enod Gray (on Neglect), Dr. Carlo DeClemente (on Change), and Dr. Hilarie Cash (on Internet Gaming).

Substance Abuse, Aging, and HIV – Online Event for Professionals

In July 6, 2021, Borrego Health presents "Reclaiming Our Lives: Strategies to Address the Challenges of Aging and Substance Misuse Among Persons Living with HIV," with special speaker Dr. David Fawcett. A majority of persons living with HIV are now over the age of 50 and, in addition to physiological consequences of decades spent living […]

40 Forms of Intimacy, with Alex Avila


This group is led by therapist Alex A. Avila. He discusses the many ways in which humans can experience intimacy. This group meets every 1st Wednesday of the month at 9:30 AM Pacific. To access these sessions, CLICK HERE. Learn more about this event

Rebuilding Healthy Relationships


This webinar is a Q&A hosted by Kristen Minto Snowden, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in intimacy disorders, betrayal trauma, infidelity, addiction (including sexual addiction/compulsivity), and couples counseling. The session is approximately 1 hour in length, starting at 9:30 a.m. Pacific. The video conferencing link for this event is Click on the Zoom […]

Prodependence for Couples


On the second and fourth Friday of each month, Matt Wheeler hosts Prodependence for Couples, a live webinar with educational content for the opening portion of the webinar followed by a Q&A session. This is your chance to ask Matt questions about prodependence and repairing damaged relationships. To access this group, click THIS LINK.

Transgender and Non-Binary People Discussion Group


This group meets every Sunday at 2 p.m. Pacific. This group is for any person seeking recovery from sex, porn, or love addiction who identifies as transgender, gender fluid, gender non-conforming, or non-binary. The group is moderated by Heather Cronemiller, CSAT-C. This is not therapy or a 12-Step group. It is a place to share […]

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