OK, we’ve all had clients who struggle to make progress but refuse to take the breakthrough step of residential treatment. Maybe it’s too expensive. Maybe they can’t manage the time off. Maybe they’re just clinging to their addiction and resistant to helpful advice. In such cases, we can still help you through our low-cost online workgroups. These groups provide psychoeducation about addiction, denial, sobriety, and tools for recovery, freeing you up to focus on relationship strife, crisis resolution, trauma, and other underlying issues.
Current six-week workgroups include:
- Male Sex Addicts: We offer three levels. Level 1 focuses on the basics of addiction and recovery. Level 2 helps participants identify the underlying issues that drive their addiction so they can work on those issues in therapy with you. Level 3 looks at living a healthy, satisfying, intimately connected life in sobriety.
- Male Porn Addicts: This series mirrors our workgroups for sex addicts, but with a focus on problematic porn use. We created this workgroup series to help men who struggle to identify as sex addicts because their sexual behavior primarily involves digital imagery.
- Couples Impacted by Betrayal: Like our other workgroups, this is an adjunct to the work you do in your practice. This workgroup focuses on the nature of betrayal, healthy boundaries, effective (and empathetic) communication, rebuilding emotional intimacy, and healthfully reintegrating sex into the relationship.
- Individual Support and Accountability: Many recovering addicts need a deeply knowledgeable accountability partner or group outside of therapy and 12-step recovery, especially when they’re just getting started. We offer individual support/accountability with a Seeking Integrity staff member to fill the gap while addicts develop their local support community. At a higher cost, your clients can consult with Dr. Rob Weiss or Dr. David Fawcett.
Other online workgroups are being developed. If you have ideas on offerings that might benefit your work with clients, please let us know. (For information on workgroups or to share ideas about workgroups, email Tami@SeekingIntegrity.com.)