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All daily inspirations can be found in the book Sex and Porn Addiction Healing and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author. Click the book cover image to purchase the book on Amazon.

Repress the natural and it comes back even stronger.

Fetishes are recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, urges, and behaviors involving nonhuman objects, specific body parts, the suffering of oneself or one’s sexual partner, or nonconsensual sex (in appearance or actuality). Relatively common fetishes include BDSM, foot worship, chubby chasing, diapers/infantilism, leather, etc. Fetishes may cause a person to keep sexual secrets, to feel shame and distress, and even to feel out of control, but they are not indicators of sexual addiction. Fetishes are pathologized only if they cause significant distress and impairment of social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. And even when a fetish does qualify as pathological, it is not the same thing as sexual addiction.

Task for Today
Do you have a fetish? Do you feel comfortable with it? Do you feel you can healthfully incorporate it into your sexual sobriety?