Tag Archives: Childhood Trauma

  • Childhood Trauma and Addiction
    Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024

    Childhood Trauma and Addiction

    Childhood Trauma and Addiction Erin Snow Research tells us that we can’t blame addiction entirely on genetic susceptibility. Environmental factors also play a significant role. But how big a...
  • I’m in Recovery But I Still Have No Empathy
    Thursday, July 6th, 2023

    I’m in Recovery But I Still Have No Empathy

    I’m in Recovery but I Still Have No Empathy In this episode of Overcoming Betrayal and Addiction, Dr. Rob and Tami answer a question from a man who is...
  • Bad Parenting Creates Addiction in the Next Generation
    Monday, June 20th, 2022

    Bad Parenting Creates Addiction in the Next Generation

    Robert Weiss PhD, LCSW Research consistently links adverse childhood experiences (ACES) to adult-life physical, emotional, and relational issues – including an increased risk for addiction (of all types). One...
  • Why Do You Struggle with Pornography?
    Friday, November 19th, 2021

    Why Do You Struggle with Pornography?

    Robert Weiss PhD, LCSW, CSAT One of the first questions most porn addicts ask is: Why am I so thoroughly hooked on porn? In terms of quitting, the answer...