Retired NBA superstar Dwayne Wade and his wife, actress Gabrielle Union, posted a Thanksgiving pic on Instagram with Dwayne’s 12-year-old child Zion. In the photo, Zion, biologically male, wears a crop-top and has long, painted fingernails. A few weeks earlier, in October, Wade posted a photo of Zion with Union and daughter Kaavia and captioned the image, “My girls.” These wonderfully supportive posts drew backlash on social media. Neither Wade nor Union seemed to care, as they’ve made it clear that they love Zion no matter what.
Recently, in an All the Smoke Interview, Wade said he’s watched his son become who she is now, and that for him nothing changes with his love or his responsibilities as a father. “Only thing I got to do now is get smarter and educate myself more. And that’s my job.” In the midst of this holiday season, we at Sex and Relationship Healing can think of no better message to share than the unconditional love of family. To learn more about Dwayne Wade and Zion, check out this wonderful Washington Post article.
Dwyane Wade’s Perspective Changed as He Watched Son Become Who She Is Now