We gain power and control by accepting reality.
It may be an enduring aspect of human nature to always want a better situation for ourselves and our loved ones. We hope for more money to suddenly come our way. We wonder if an irritating coworker will call in sick today. We wish that traffic would miraculously clear up. Etc. Addicts who’ve been in recovery a while often smile when a newcomer shares such wishful thoughts. Then the old-timers will gently refocus the discussion to a deeper, more profound truth: that sobriety is about ‘living life on life’s terms.’ While it’s tempting to wish we had some advantage in a situation that stumps us, the best we can do is to reach out to trusted advisors for advice and then give it our best effort. Accepting our situation exactly as it is immediately gives us more power – power that is wasted by endlessly wishing we magically had more of some resource.
Task for Today
When you feel overwhelmed and find yourself thinking, If only…, find a way to accept and face the situation as it is.