The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now. As we heal from sex and porn addiction, honesty, integrity, self-knowledge, and a...
Lying Will Not Help You Regain Trust In this episode of Overcoming Betrayal and Addiction, Dr. Rob and Tami break down the details of honesty – when, why, and...
Time will inevitably uncover dishonesty and lies. History has no place for them. The simple truth is that if we want an open relationship, even in sexual recovery, it’s...
It’s difficult to find truth within ourselves. It’s impossible to find it elsewhere. Nearly all sex and porn addicts engage in denial. Denial keeps us out of touch with...
Denying the truth doesn’t change the facts. As recovering sex and porn addicts, we must develop an honest understanding of our addiction—what it is, how it negatively affects us...
I’m Not Ready to Tell My Spouse I’m an Addict In this episode of Overcoming Betrayal and Addiction, Dr. Rob and Tami answer a question from someone who is...
Rebuild Relationship Trust In their book, Out of the Doghouse for Christian Men: A Redemptive Guide for Men Caught Cheating, authors Robert Weiss and Marnie Ferree list eight specific...
In this episode of “Sex, Love, and Addiction” Dr. Rob Weiss interviews therapist and author Marnie Ferree, author of No Stones: Women Redeemed from Sexual Addiction about healing from...
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