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All daily inspirations can be found in the book Sex and Porn Addiction Healing and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author. Click the book cover image to purchase the book on Amazon.

Boundaries represent awareness, knowing what the limits are and then respecting those limits.

When properly implemented, healthy boundaries promote healthy relationships, healthy intimacy, trust, and relationship safety. At the same time, they prevent enmeshment, enabling of bad behaviors, and unwarranted attempts at control. Healthy boundaries protect us from the bad behavior of others, and others from the bad behavior that we sometimes engage in. With healthy boundaries, we can establish and maintain mutually beneficial connections. This is what Dr. Rob Weiss refers to as prodependence—attachment relationships that are healthfully interdependent, where one person’s strengths fill in the weak points of the other and vice versa, with this mutual support occurring automatically and without question and without trampling boundaries.

Task for Today
Are your primary relationships prodependent or out of balance? If they’re out of balance, discuss in therapy or with your sponsor the idea of setting some healthy boundaries.