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Event Series Event Series: Prodependence for Couples

Prodependence for Couples

May 9 @ 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm PST

Matt Wheeler hosts this twice-monthly webinar on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. Sessions start with educational content on prodependence. That is followed by a live Q&A with participants. This is your chance to ask Matt questions directly and anonymously. Matt is not providing therapy with this webinar; he is providing educational content and information to help support relationship health. This webinar is open to betrayed partners, addicts, couples, and anyone else who wants to improve their relationship skills.

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Webinars: Your image does not appear on-screen. To ask questions, we suggest you use the Q&A feature at the bottom of your video screen. The Q&A feature lets you ask questions anonymously. Webinar sessions are recorded and posted on both Sex and Relationship Healing and our Seeking Integrity YouTube channel so those who missed or want to revisit a particular session can watch it later.

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