Shame thrives in darkness, but withers in sunlight. In Harry Potter: The Order of the Phoenix, Harry fears the darkness within himself. When he shares this with his godfather,...
You can shake the monkey off your back, but the circus never quite leaves town. A lot of times recovering sex addicts think: Gee, I’ve been through treatment and...
Sobriety is a long and winding path and none of us ever really knows where it’s leading. One old-timer loves to tell the story of his 90thday of sobriety,...
When we open our hearts, our lives get better. Recovering sex addicts who are married or in some other form of committed romantic relationship typically find that the process...
In this episode of “Sex, Love, and Addiction,” Dr. Rob Weiss talks with Dr. Pat Love. Dr. Love has travelled the world to help people understand and improve their...
Integrity is the essence of everything successful. A primary goal for most recovering sex addicts is developing what noted sex addiction therapist Dr. Rob Weiss refers to as sexual...
Over time, grit is what separates fruitful lives from aimlessness. Research shows that when kids are praised for being hard workers, they do better than kids who are praised...
First of all, we had to quit playing God. It didn’t work. As one long-sober sex addict recounts: “When I came into sexual recovery, all I wanted was to...
When things go wrong, don’t go with them. Many sex addicts new to the healing process openly wonder: “If sexual sobriety doesn’t require lasting sexual abstinence, what does it...
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