When people will not weed their own minds, they are apt to be overrun by nettles. Sexual sobriety plans, also known as circle plans and boundary plans, are created...
The ultimate goal of sexual recovery is learning to be sexual in healthy, life-affirming ways. People not familiar with sex and porn addiction often think that sexual sobriety, like...
Addicts: Six Tips for Holiday Survival Scott Brassart For addicts, the holidays can be incredibly stressful. Thanks to social messaging (movies, TV, commercials, etc.) we feel like we need...
For some sex and porn addicts, masturbation is the only sex they ever have with a person they care about. Comedienne Lily Tomlin famously said, “We have reason to...
Every life crisis presents an opportunity, however painful, for personal growth. A primary goal for most recovering sex and porn addicts is developing sexual integrity. When defining what sexual...
Don’t be different just to be different. Do it to be the most authentic version of yourself. Long-term monogamy may be the goal for some (maybe even most) recovering...
The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely. Sex and porn addicts in the early stages of recovery typically have little to no idea what the term ‘sexual...
Sex and porn addicts, like everyone else, were put on this earth to live their greatest self. The way in which sexual sobriety is defined is not set in...
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